Cafe Berlin 322 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, DC, United States

Dear German Wine Society Members and Guests,Spring in Washington announces itself with cherry blossoms, migrating songbirds, and tasty ramps at farmers' markets. In Germany, nothing epitomizes Spring like the revered white stalks of Spargel (aparagus)! The green variety is more popular in North America, and tends to be available in supermarkets year-round. Germans, however, prefer […]


Georgetown Waterfront 3050 K St., NW, Washington, DC, United States

ANNOUNCING THE RETURN OF THE GERMAN WINE SOCIETY’S POTOMAC WINE CRUISE!Get ready to cast off on the Potomac for a German wine cruise! Yes, the Capital Chapter of the German Wine Society is once again holding our Potomac wine cruise this summer, back by popular demand after last year’s very successful voyage. As we did […]

$72 – $79

Oktober Weinfest

German Embassy House 4645 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC, United States

ANNOUNCING THE GERMAN WINE SOCIETY’S OKTOBER WEINFEST CELEBRATION AT THE GERMAN EMBASSY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. ON SEPTEMBER 15, 2023!    German Wine Society Members and Friends of German Wine,It is a pleasure to announce that the German Embassy has invited us once again to hold our Oktober Weinfest celebration at the German Embassy House!  And for […]

Holiday Dinner at the Cosmos Club – December 16, 2023

Cosmos Club 2121 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC, United States

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR THE GERMAN WINE SOCIETY HOLIDAY DINNER AT THE COSMOS CLUB, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2023, 6 pm - 10 pmHo, Ho, Ho, German Wine Society Members and Friends of German Wines, it’s nearly time to hang the stockings and dream of delicious German wine! We can gather in person […]

GWS Capital Chapter Membership Zoom Meeting

Prosit Neujahr! Online registration for the 2024 Capital Chapter Membership Meeting is now open! Please make reservations by Monday, February 12, 2024.  This year’s Membership Meeting will take place on Saturday, February 17, 2024, starting at 4:00 pm EST, and planned to last until about 6:30 pm.  As with our last Membership Meeting in February 2023, […]

Exploring the Pinot grapes of Germany: Red, White, Gray

Van Ness Room 3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington, DC, United States

Please plan to join the German Wine Society on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 7:00 pm for a presentation on the Pinot grapes of Germany, and tasting of nine wines to illustrate the varieties using these grapes, by our own Annette Schiller, who has brought some of these wines back from Germany just for us.  This is […]


Spring Festival Celebration at the German Embassy

German Embassy House 4645 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC, United States

ANNOUNCING THE GERMAN WINE SOCIETY’S SPRING FESTIVAL CELEBRATION AT THE GERMAN EMBASSY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. ON MAY 3, 2024!        NOTE: This event is FULL. No more reservations are accepted.German Wine Society Members and Friends of German Wine,It is a pleasure to announce that the German Embassy has invited us once again to hold an event  at the […]

$168 – $178


Georgetown Waterfront 3050 K St., NW, Washington, DC, United States

Get ready to cast off on the Potomac for a German wine cruise! Yes, the Capital Chapter of the German Wine Society is once again holding our Potomac wine cruise this summer, back by popular demand after a series of successful voyages. As we did in July 2021, 2022, and 2023, and also regularly for […]



German Embassy House 4645 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC, United States

ANNOUNCING THE GERMAN WINE SOCIETY’S OKTOBER WEINFEST CELEBRATION AT THE GERMAN EMBASSY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2024!German Wine Society Members and Friends of German Wine,It is a pleasure to announce that the German Embassy has invited us once again to hold our Oktober Weinfest celebration at the German Embassy House!  For this event, we […]


Riesling vs. Chenin Blanc

Van Ness Room 3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington, DC, United States

Riesling vs. Chenin Blanc: What Are the Differences and Similarities?Please plan to join the German Wine Society on Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm for a comparative tasting of German Rieslings and Chenin Blancs from France’s Loire Valley,  with ten different wines offered to illustrate the similarities and differences of wines using these grapes.  The tasting […]
