(An email from Barry P. Boothe, President, San Francisco Chapter, German Wine Society)
Just in case any members of the Capital Chapter of the German Wine Society are in the San Francisco area on July 27, 2019, I hope you will pass on this Email to your members. Members of the Capital Chapter are generally considered Members for San Francisco Chapter Events and would pay the per person Member price to attend.
We have now settled on the impressive collection of wines we will be having at the San Francisco Chapter of the German Wine Society Saturday, July 27, 2019, Guided Tasting Event in the Artists Gallery in Building A at Fort Mason in San Francisco. The guided tasting will be conducted by Dade Thieriot and Marion Groetschel of Dee Vine Wines.
This event is heavily subsidized and will feature Sekt wine during the reception followed by four flights of three wines in each flight. Each of the four flights will feature wines from three of the most important wine regions in Germany – Mosel, Rheingau, and Nahe.
The first flight will feature three Trocken (dry) wines
The second flight will feature three Kabinett wines
The third flight will feature three Spätlese wines
The fourth flight will feature three sweet style wines including an Auslese, a Beerenauslese, and an Eiswein.
We will also have our usual buffet spread of enough food to make a full meal, including desser.
(Formal Announcement)
We are pleased to announce that the San Francisco Chapter of the German Wine Society will be conducting a Special Guided Tasting event on Saturday, July 27, 2019 at Fort Mason Center in San Francisco.
This Special Guided Tasting will feature four flights of three wines each with Prädikat levels ranging from relatively dry to relatively sweet. To guide the tasting, we are privileged to have Dade Thieriot and Marion Groetschel (who selected the wines) of Dee Vine Wines discuss the wines we are having in each flight. Dade and Marion both have extensive experience, having tasted several thousand German wines.
Time: Reception with Sekt wine at 7:00 p.m.; guided tasting 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Where: Building A at Fort Mason – SF MOMA Artist Gallery
Cost: $59 per person for members and one guest and first time guests who RSVP by July 19 with payment to the Treasurer by July 23. Reservations made after July 19 (but in no case later than July 22) will be $69 per person with payment to the Treasurer by July 25 for those parties. Reservations for all others will be $69 per person if received by July 19 (payment due by July 23) and $79 per person for RSVP’s after July 19, but in no case later than July 22, (payment due by July 25). Note: We have a limited number of places for this Special Guided Tasting so reservations will be accepted on a “first come, first served” basis.
Food: There will be enough delectable food, including dessert, to make a full meal.
Please send a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response to
Barry Boothe by the initial deadline of July 19.
Barry‘s email (preferred): barrypboothe@aol.com
Phone: 415-346-5934
To confirm your attendance, send a check made payable to the German Wine Society – SF to our Treasurer: Harris Holzberg –
24 Hawthorne Lane, Corte Madera, CA 94925
Checks must be received by the dates noted above.
So act now to reserve your place and bring along any prospective members…it will be a good occasion to introduce them to the German Wine Society.
Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies
All Society members and guests are reminded that alcohol consumption can lead to intoxication and therefore Society members and their guests are expected to drink in moderation at Society events. We suggest those attending either utilize designated drivers or other modes of transit where available, or mostly taste rather than consume alcohol when such drivers or alternative means of transportation are not available.
Barry Boothe, President and Cellarmaster– barrypboothe@aol.com Harris Holzberg, Treasurer – coachharris1@comcast.net Henry Kim, Event Organizer – henrykimm@yahoo.com Carlos Lopez, Assistant Cellarmaster and Website Organizer – carlos.alfonzo@gmail.com
From East Bay
Bay Bridge to Fremont Street Exit; on Fremont (100 yards north) take first right on Howard; left on Embarcadero & go 2 miles; left on Bay, about 2 miles, right on Buchanan. Cross Marina Blvd. & sharp right into Fort Mason Center.
From North Bay
Golden Gate Bridge (US 101) to Marina Exit; go 1.5 miles. Turn left at Buchanan & turn right into Fort Mason Center.
From Peninsula/South Bay
US 101 North to 9th St. Exit; 9th across Market & left on Hayes; right on Franklin; about 2 miles. Turn left on Bay St, right on Buchanan. Cross Marina Blvd. & sharp right into Fort Mason Center.
There is ample pay parking ($10 for three hours) in the area around Buildings A, B, and C. Previously, parking in the area just prior to reaching the Gatehouse was free, but now that area is also pay parking.
Public Transportation Information
Bay Area-Wide: www.511.org or call 817-1717 or 511 from any area code
East Bay BART: www.bart.gov (510) 465-2278
North Bay Golden Gate Transit:
www.goldengate.org (415) 455-2000
Peninsula/South Bay CalTrain:
www.caltrain.com (800) 660-4287
San Francisco MUNI:
www.sfmuni.com (415) 673-6864
For additional information go to the Fort Mason website – https://www.fortmason.org
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