The harvest here has taken an unusual twist. We began an early Pinot Noir harvest week-before-last, and completed it on 17. Sept. It was one of the best harvests, in quality and quantity, in recent memory. Then, the rain showers started off-and-on the following week, okay because the weather was also cool. However, we plowed ahead (before almost all of our neighbour vintners) and began the Riesling harvest on 19. Sept. We continued during the (past) week, working in the Schlossberg and Taubenhaus vineyards. The Riesling harvest was slow, as early botrytis had already set in and we needed to pick only the best grapes. This coming week is predicted to be rainy each day, so we are continuing today with finishing the Taubenhaus, and will begin in Burgberg Monday or Tuesday.
My guess is that we are going to see large differences in harvests on the Mosel. Many vineyards were scorched by the summer sun, heat, and draught, but we were not this unfortunate. Acidity has been low, though, and Oechsle has been on the lower side, probably precluding Kabinett and Spätlesen. But you never know; we always leave some grapes hanging, and if the weather turns we could also produce some late harvest wines. But, production, for sure, will not equal that of last year.
By Geschäftsführer/Managing Partner
Richard Böcking Winery
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