2017 Silvaner Feinherb, Strub (Rheinhessen)
2017 Wie Im Fluge Riesling Feinherb, Goldatzel (Rheingau)
2017 Rieslilng Feinherb MC, Muller-Catoir (Pfalz)
2017 Paradiesgarten 1er Lage Riesling Trocken, Von Winning (Pfalz)
2017 Muskateller Kabinett Trocken, Darting (Pfalz)
2017 Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Riesling Kabinett, Selbach-Oster (Mosel)
2017 Loungucher Herrenberg Riesling Kabinett, Loewen (Mosel)
2017 Scheurebe Spatlese, Kruger-Rumpf (Nahe)
The tasting will be held at the award winning Caffe Aldo Lamberti in
DATE: Monday, December 3, 2018
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Caffe Aldo Lamberti
2011 Route 70 West
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
PRICE: Couple Members and Single Members with one guest, $50.00 per person; Non-members and additional guests, $57.50 per person.
RESERVATIONS: By e-mail to bsheligo@germanwinesociety.org or call 856-228-7330 and leave a message by noon on Monday, October 29th. While it is possible to check space availability after October 29th, we cannot guarantee that space will be available. Please let us know of your intention to attend at your earliest convenience. Payment at the door by cash or check payable to German Wine Society is acceptable, but you MUST reserve in advance – no walk-ins. Please make your reservation today to avoid disappointment.
From Philadelphia and points West, take the Ben Franklin Bridge, and exit from one of the two left lanes. Follow signs to Routes 30 – 130; stay in one of the two left lanes. Two miles East of the Bridge, the highway divides at the top of a ramp. Bear left, towards Routes 38 & 70. At the bottom of the ramp, move over one (or two) lanes to your right, to stay on Route 70 East. Go straight for three miles; 1/4 mile before you come to the restaurant, you will see a sign for Grove Street. Lamberti’s is on your right on Route 70 at the Grove Street turn. (Traffic is normally light on 70 East from the Bridge to Grove St., and the normal ride is 7 minutes.)
From NJ or points South, take Route 295 North to Route 561, Haddonfield/Gibbsboro, and turn left towards Haddonfield. Follow 561 until it ends, at Kress Liquors. The road will fork to your left; stay in the right lane and bear left onto Potter Street. Follow Potter to the light at Kings Highway, then jog across onto Grove Street. Stay on Grove Street through Haddonfield, and across the bridge over Cooper River. As you are approaching the intersection of Grove Street and Route 70, right before 70 you will see a sign on your left for Commerce Bank. Turn left into the bank parking lot, and continue straight past the bank into the back parking lot at Lamberti’s.
Beth Sheligo
Chapter Chairperson
All Society members and guests are reminded that alcohol consumption can lead to intoxication and therefore Society members and their guests are expected to drink in moderation at Society events. We suggest those attending either utilize designated drivers or other modes of transit where available, or mostly taste rather than consume alcohol when such drivers or alternative means of transportation are not available.
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